
Mali trade system


mali trade system

Malilandlocked country of western Africa, mostly in the Saharan and Sahelian regions. Mali is largely flat and arid. The Niger River flows through its interior, functioning as the main trading and transport artery in the country. Sections of the river flood periodically, providing much-needed fertile agricultural soil along its banks as well as creating pasture for livestock. Although Mali is one of the largest countries in Africa, it has a relatively small population, which is largely centred along the Niger River. Mali Bambara Bamana ethnic group and language predominate, with several other groups—including the Fulani FulbeDogon system, and Tuareg —also present in the population. Agriculture is the dominant economic sector in the country, with cotton production, cattle and camel herding, and fishing among the major activities. The area that is now Mali was once part of mali three system precolonial Sudanic empires: GhanaMaliand Songhai. The fabled but now faded trading and learning centre of Timbuktu is situated in Mali on the upper Niger River. For centuries, caravans crossed the Sahara desert from North Africa while others came system the forest regions to the south, meeting at the crossroads of Timbuktu. The national capital, Bamakois located on the Niger River and is a rapidly growing city because of increased migration from the depressed rural areas. Two basic relief features can be distinguished: The highland regions are localized and discontinuous. The plateaus of the southeast and east, also extensions of the Guinea Highlands, are a series of small, broken hills. Elevations in the southeast range between almost 1, feet metres around Sikasso and 1, feet metres at Mount Mina. East of the Niger River the Dogon Plateau descends gently westward to the river valley but ends in abrupt cliffs on the southeast. These cliffs reach an elevation approaching 3, feet 1, metres at Bandiagara. Northern and central Mali are made up of the plains of the Niger River basin and of the Sahara. The only marked relief mali in the north is the Iforas Massif. An extension of the mountainous Hoggar region of the Sahara, this heavily eroded sandstone plateau rises to elevations of more than 2, feet. Mali rises in the Fouta Djallon and is of significant size by the time it enters the country near Kangaba. It flows to the northeast across the Mandingue Plateau, its course interrupted by falls and mali dam at Sotuba. Reaching Koulikoroit spreads out in a wide valley and flows majestically to its confluence mali the Bani River at Mopti. The river breaks down into a network of branches and lakes as it continues northward and, at Kabara, eastward. At Bourem the Niger makes a great turn to the southeast, known as the Niger Bendand flows past Gao and Ansongo to the Niger border at Labbezanga. The flow of the Niger varies seasonally. High waters occur on the upper Niger from July to October, at the delta from September to November, and at the bend from December to January. Periodic floods and the rich alluvial soils in the trade delta make the Niger valley an important agricultural region. The soils outside the Niger valley in Mali are poor. In the south, ferruginous iron-bearing soils are trade and form a hard, red crust because of intense evaporation. The desert region is composed of sandrock, and gravel. Mali lies within the intertropical zone and has a hot, dry climate, with the sun near its zenith throughout most of the year. In trade, there are two distinct seasons, dry and wet. The dry season, which lasts from November to June, is marked by system humidity and high temperatures and is influenced by the alize and harmattan winds. During the rainy season, from June to October, the monsoon wind blows system the southwest. Preceded by large black clouds, the heavy rainstorms often include gusty winds and much lightning and thunder. Temperatures are somewhat lower in Augustwhen most of the rainfall occurs. The country can be divided into three climatic zones—the Sudanicthe Sahelianand the desert zones. Articles from Britannica encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. System legendary city of Timbuktu, long regarded as perhaps the most inaccessible place on Earth, sits in the mali of the country. The capital of Mali is Bamako, which is situated in the south. Areasquare miles 1, square kilometers. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind. You may trade it helpful to search within the site to see how similar or related subjects are covered. Any text you add should be original, not copied from other sources. 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Additional Media View all media. More about Mali 11 References found in Britannica Articles. Art and Life in Africa - University of Iowa Museum of Art - Mali, Africa CIA - Trade World Factbook - Mali Historycentral. Rotondo McCord - Mali Jewish Virtual Library - Mali, Africa Maps of World - Mali, Africa National Geographic - Travel and Cultures - Mali National Museum of Trade Art - Mali Empire Our Africa - Mali The Met - Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - The System of the Western Sudan: Department of State - Mali World Health Organisation - Mali World InfoZone - Mali Facts. Help us improve this article! Contact our trade with your feedback. Keep Exploring Britannica 7 Amazing Historical Sites in Africa. The African continent has long been inhabited and has some amazing historical sites to show for it. Check out these impressive examples of architecture, culture, and evolution. Take this Science True or False Quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica to test your knowledge of geographical facts of science. Trying to colonize an unwilling population rarely goes well. Not surprisingly, the colonial era was filled with conflicts and battles, the outcomes of some of which wound up having greater historical implications Dendroaspis polylepis species of mamba snake known for system large size, quickness, mali extremely potent venom. It is the largest of all Asian countries and has the largest population of any country in the world. Occupying nearly the entire East Asian landmass, it occupies approximately one-fourteenth Trade this Geography True or False Quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica to test system knowledge of planet Earth. Besides the 48 conterminous trade that occupy the middle latitudes of the continent, the United States includes the state of Alaska, at the Some system, like that between the United States and Canada, are peaceful ones. Others are places of conflict caused by rivalries between countries or peoples, disputes over national resources, or disagreements It is a constitutional republic consisting of 29 states, each with a substantial degree of control over its own affairs; 6 less fully empowered union Take this geography quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica and test your knowledge of historical names from countries around the world. The United Kingdom comprises the whole of the island of Great Britain—which contains England, Wales, and Scotland —as well as the You have successfully emailed this. Tips for Editing Leave Edit Mode Submit. Thank You for Your Contribution! There was a problem with your submission. Please try system later. Home Spotlight Demystified Quizzes Galleries Lists On This Day Biographies Login Join. View All Media 41 Images, 1 Video. If you prefer to suggest your own revision of the article, you can go to edit mode requires login. Thank you for your feedback. mali trade system

5 thoughts on “Mali trade system”

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